Episode #50 - Celebrating SwineTime!

Dr. Barry Kerkaert, Chairman of the Board, takes the reigns and puts Dr. Spencer Wayne in the hot seat to celebrate our 50th episode of the podcast.

The pair discuss the goals of SwineTime and reflect on some of Dr. Wayne’s favorite episodes. He shares behind-the-scenes happenings reflecting on memorable guests and the impactful work our experts have shared on the podcast. Dr. Wayne and Dr. Kerkaert close the celebration with their interpretation of our mission – Helping Farmers.


PIPESTONE’s mission is “Helping Farmers Today Create the Farms of Tomorrow.” The SwineTime podcast was created for pig farmers and individual pork producers around the country. Hosted by Dr. Wayne, the podcast contains pork industry news, advancements in animal care and how to enhance your productivity.

Monthly podcasts are available on Spotify, Google Music, iTunes, and on Pipestone.com.