Practicing Responsible Antibiotic Use

Making Responsible Antibiotic Choices

As veterinarians, we understand antibiotics are of great benefit to help treat and reduce animal suffering in times of illness.

As parents, community members, and fellow stewards of our natural resources, we also take great responsibility for using correctly, only when needed, and doing everything we can to prevent having to use.

Here are a few key ways we accomplish our goals:

  • We collect samples from the animals and utilize sensitivity testing through accredited University laboratories to ensure we are selecting the right treatment for the right pathogen.
  • Require that antibiotics be administered under the guidance of a veterinarian.
    • We want to ensure we are using the proper medication for the proper illness, and work hand-in-hand with the farmer through training of administration.
  • Using only the amount needed to treat the problem
    • Just like Medical Doctors do for their patients, we regulate the amount of time antibiotics can/should be taken—no more, no less.
  • We focus on safe treatment options, including alternatives to antibiotics, and prevention when possible (use of vaccines to prevent illness)
  • We encourage our clients to enroll in programs like PART, to better Record, Review, and Respond to Antibiotic Use together.


Ready to Learn More?


Watch the video below to learn more about how veterinarians and farmers practice responsible antibiotic use together…