Missouri 2020
Feb: In honor of FFA Week, Chariton gave a monetary donation to the Salisbury FFA Chapter in Salisbury, MO. (photo: Salisbury FFA)
March: Delta Gilts gave a finical donation to the Benton Heartland Babe Ruth Softball Team.
August: Wildcat supported the Paris Rural Fire Protection and the Paris Rural Fire Protection Women Aux with a financial donation.
August: Wildcat showed their thank you by supplying meat boxes for those who helped with a semi roll over accident.
August: Wildcat supported the Madison West Monroe Fire Protection with a financial donation.
August: Wildcat showed their appreciation with a financial donation to the Paris Fire Responders.
August: Wildcat gave a monetary donation to the Madison Women’s Aux program.
November Wildcat supported the local youth by giving a financial donation to the Slater FFA program.
November: Wildcat gave a monetary donation to the Slate American Legion Hall.
November: Wildcat gave a donation to the Slater Fire Department.
December: Timberwolf supported the Stitzer Fire Department with a monetary donation.
December: Timberwolf helped those in need with giving a donation to the SWTC Food Shelf.
December: Timberwolf gave their support to the Fennimore Chamber with a financial donation.
December: Timberwolf support the local FFA program in Fennimore with a donation.
December: Delta Gilts showed their support to the Dive Temple Church of God and New Morning Star Baptist church with monetary donations.
December: Delta Gilts supported the barn managers daughter with the Beta Club Sponsorship.
December: Delta Gilts gave a monetary donation to the Morley Community Betterment program.