The year 2020 has been anything but normal. I think we can all agree that the hog and pork markets are as volatile as ever! In recent years, this industry has undergone PEDV, African Swine Fever, and now Covid-19. All of the market ups and downs isn’t for the faint of heart. Big Stone Marketing…
Author: rwilliams

Podcast 18 Question and Answer session with Luke Minion CEO of Pipestone
While there ‘feels’ like tremendous change has taken place within the pork industry industry, producers have becoming increasingly aware of the industry’s growing dependence upon the export market. Because farmers face many different issues, Dr. Spencer Wayne obtains answers to questions submitted from producers during this podcast interview with Dr. Luke Minion, Pipestone’s CEO.…

Podcast 17 The importance, effectiveness, and cost of sow farm filtration systems
While the use of air filtration systems on sow farms has been proven to reduce the incidence of airborne illness such as PRRS, there are still many swine operations that operate without it. While the design of physical structures vary, most if not all operations can reduce overall cost per pig if the correct…

Antibiotic Resita-WHAT?
We all share a concern for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and its impact on human medicine, veterinary medicine, and global society. As veterinarians, our first instinct is to correct the problem! As scientists, we want data to help craft the plan. As a mother (and as a human being in general), I (and others) want to…

Do you work with a Veterinarian and do you follow their guidelines for antimicrobial use?
The bare minimum to meet this requirement is to have a Vet physically on site one time per year and to have written scripts for all prescription products on site. If this is the only interaction you are having with a Veterinarian, consider getting value for your operation with more veterinarian interaction. Questions to ask…

Testing, advice valuable to the Minnesota producer
Feed costs are the largest expense in raising pigs today, so carefully analyzing every opportunity to get the most out of every ration at every stage in a pig’s life is key to profitability. Tri-M Farms, owned and operated by brothers Greg, Mick and B.J. Madson, have found benefits for both performance and the bottom…

The value of your pigs
How do I look at today’s pigs and tomorrow’s pigs? We’re in the middle of a slow moving train wreck and are faced with doing things we never conceived of doing. Some economics are worth weighing as we approach drastic actions. You only have so many spaces. If pigs must leave your production pipeline, then…

Where is the Needle point for Your operation?
About 70% of the cost associated with raising a market weight pig occurs in the wean-to-finish growth. Many of the producers have an idea where they stand in their current business model, but we encourage you to take a hard look at your operation to see ways to improve and how you can stay competitive…

Feed Mill and Ingredient Biosecurity
Feed mills serve as a central location for feed ingredients to create a complete ration. Ingredients and complete feed have the potential to carry and harbor detrimental bacteria and viruses (Dee et al., 2018 and Cochrane et al., 2018). These ingredients and complete feed not only have the potential to introduce pathogens themselves but also…

Episode 10: The importance of records and data and how it impacts your profits.
Dr. Spencer Wayne talks with Angie Homann of Pipestone Managements and uncovers the truth about records and data that result in profitability. Learn how important it is to utilize benchmarks for your operation to understand production strengths and reveal weaknesses needing improvement. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly…
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Pipestone Veterinary Services Update
Pipestone Veterinary Services shares in the global concern surrounding COVID-19. We take our responsibility to provide animal care seriously. We also understand the necessity of our business continuity as a part of the food supply chains critical infrastructure designated through the Department of Homeland Security. Animal care cannot stop amid this virus concern and…

Episode 9: Antibiotic Resistance with Dr. Carissa Odland
Dr. Spencer Wayne talks with Dr. Carissa Odland on her latest trial on Antibiotic Resistance. Find out if she has any answers. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. The podcast world-renowned resources and expertise on Swine Health,…

State Pork Congress Winners 2019
Every year, each state has their annual pork congress where they recognize the outstanding pork producers and their families. This year, Pipestone had many producers and shareholders that received an award. South Dakota 2019 Pork All American- Craig Andersen The South Dakota Pork Producers Council (SDPPC) elected Craig Andersen, a pork producer from Centerville, SD,…

Is the Water Quality the Best at Your Farm?
Dr. Spencer Wayne spends some time with Jesse McCoy, a water quality expert. The discussion is about ways to check water quality to determine what’s happening at your farm!

Ready... Set... GROW! Getting Weaned Pigs Off To a Good Start
It’s time to start a new group of pigs. If you want your best closeout, get your weaned pigs off to a good start. This begins long before the pigs arrive. Your journey starts with communication to your sow unit, confirming delivery times to ensure the barn is cleaned, disinfected and dried to create the…

Autogenous Vaccines: A Tool in the Toolbox
It’s that time of year filled with snow, ice, and… minimum ventilation inside your barn. The time of year when it is a constant battle between fresh, good air quality versus the heating bill. Poor air quality can also lead to increased bacterial disease pressure such as Streptococcus suis (Strep) and Haemophilus parasuis (HPS) in…

PIPESTONE Donates Over 1 Million Servings of Pork Through Give a Helping Ham Program
PIPESTONE Donates Over 1 Million Servings of Pork Through Give a Helping Ham Program Fourth Year of “Give a Helping Ham” a success During the holidays we look forward to connecting with family and friends and enjoying a delicious meal with the prized ham featured in the center of the table. However, many individuals in…

Antibiotic Resistance: Pipestone Investigates at the Farm Level
By: Ann Hess, editor at National Hog Farmer Ever since the Center for Disease Control released their 2013 report, Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, stating that each year at least 2 million people get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and at least 23,000 people die, there has been a concerted effort to track antibiotic resistance.…

Animal Health and Biosecurity Drive Changes, Growth for Family Operation
Adapting to a changing industry and adopting new business and management practices has allowed Harold Dekkers and his family to maintain and grow the Hawarden, Iowa, farm that has been in his family for decades. “I’ve lived in the same house my entire life, on the farm that my father bought in 1944,” said Harold.…

Nutritional Advancements for Pig Health
Advancements in swine nutrition have led to strong gains in pig health and productivity over the years, and research is continuing to identify ways to ensure that nutrition can boost performance from the nursery through the finishing barn. Pipestone is uniquely positioned to conduct research and share beneficial results with customers, said Jon De Jong,…

A Foundation for Success
A passion for supporting small- to medium-sized independent livestock producers and providing a path for future generations interested a group of northwest Iowa livestock producers to the Pipestone Management several years ago, and has built a foundation for their success. Kirk Hall lives in LeMars, Iowa, and is the manager of Pork 4 Profit,…

Episode 8: Part 2 of Herd Disease Elimination
Listen in to Episode 8 Part 2: Herd Disease elimination as Dr. Spencer Wayne and Dr. Joseph Yaros for a historical and future perspective on swine herd disease elimination. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. The podcast…

Episode 7: Herd Level Disease Elimination- Does it Work?
Swine Time Podcast #7 with Dr. Spencer Wayne talks with Dr. Joseph Yaros on how Pipestone handles herd level disease elimination, and how effective it is. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. The podcast world-renowned resources and…

Episode 6: Water Quality
Listen to Dr. Spencer Wayne discuss the water quality at your barn with Dr. Todd Williams. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. The podcast world-renowned resources and expertise on Swine Health, Management, Nutrition, Marketing, Business and more. …

Frequently Asked Questions about Erysipelas
What is Erysipelas? Swine erysipelas is a disease caused by a bacterial infection named Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. It has been around for well over one hundred years. It is important to remember that this bacterium can cause disease within your breeding herd, as well as your growing pigs. Although the prevalence is low in the industry,…

Back to Basics: Air, Water, and Feed
My wife and I recently watched my brother’s two children one of whom isn’t quite talking. In the middle of an atypically long crying session my wife and I were reminded of when our two oldest were newborns. We started scrolling through the mental rolodex of what could possibly be wrong: was he hungry, tired,…

Episode 5: Welfare
Listen in for Episode 5 of Swine Time with Dr. Carissa Odland as she talks about how Welfare is practiced every day at Pipestone. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a monthly podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. The podcast world-renowned resources and expertise…

Don't Sweat Heat Stress
As summer approaches, so does the increased risk of heat stress and heat exhaustion. Heat stress is an economically important issue and can have severe consequences if proper precautions are not taken. Through a variety of management techniques, we can help reduce the risk of our hogs being affected by heat stress. Pigs are unable…

Antimicrobial Resistance: We don't have all the answers yet!
Late in the day as you are watching the evening news you learn about an individual who was confirmed with an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. The story continues describing how there has been an increase in antibiotic-resistant infections around the world and the news anchor quotes CDC by stating that antibiotic use in livestock is…

Episode 4: Secure Pork Plan
Listen in for Episode 4 of Swine Time with Dr. Brent Pepin as he talks about Secure Pork Plan and how to prepare incase of a Foreign Disease outbreak.

Early Investment in Filtration Pays Dividends for Animal Health, Biosecurity
The investment in filtration equipment for sow farms that began as a “leap of faith” by Pipestone Management over a decade ago has evolved into a critical element of keeping sows and piglets protected from deadly viruses. Pipestone was the first to install filtration equipment on a commercial sow farm in the United States in…

Stop the loss! Focus on Mycoplasma and Circovirus Prove Profitable for Pig Producers.
The goal of boosting production and profitability for pork producers has led Joseph Yaros, DVM, and veterinarian with Pipestone Veterinary Services, to focus on the control and elimination of two key pathogens. “My main objective is to help our producers be as profitable as possible and reduce health issues in their herds,” said Dr. Yaros.…

SwineTime Podcast with Pipestone Veterinary Services
Pipestone Veterinary Services is pleased to present “Swine Time” the podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. Our first podcast deals with the subject of African Swine Fever and what it means to the industry as a whole and more importantly the individual producer. Episode 2: Transboundary Work with…

Animal Health and Biosecurity Drive Changes, Growth for Family Operation
Adapting to a changing industry and adopting new business and management practices has allowed Harold Dekkers and his family to maintain and grow the Hawarden, Iowa, farm that has been in his family for decades. “I’ve lived in the same house my entire life, on the farm that my father bought in 1944,” said Harold.…

Give a Helping Ham
Did you know 1 out of 5 kids in America struggle with hunger? Food security is something many of us take for granted every day and as we approach the holiday season, PIPESTONE would like to Give a Helping Ham to families in need through our communities. Through the Give a Helping Ham program, for…

Do You Know Manure's Value
Written by Marty Rost, Environmental Specialist The last two manure application seasons were the most difficult seasons I’ve dealt with. Excess rains, early snow and cold made the 2018 fall one we’d all like to forget. If that wasn’t enough, the 2019 spring turned out to challenge many nutrient management plans as well. A challenging…

Biosecurity Steps that Work!
Fall is the time when us pig veterinarians start getting nervous to answer phone calls from our farmers. The shorter days mean different things for veterinarians and farmers, but it’s an equally busy time of year. For farmers, autumn means harvesting the crops and spreading manure. For veterinarians, it’s an awful-tasting pumpkin spice latte full…

Talking Pigs to People
As a farmer, no one is more passionate, caring, or committed to humane care and safe food than you! Today, only 2% of the population raise food. Today’s consumers are more and more removed from the farm. Summertime provides a lot of great opportunities to share your passion and the story of safe food. For…

Benefits to Animal Health and Bottom Line with Pipestone Antibiotic Resistance Tracker
The use of antibiotics and development of resistance to medically important antibiotics has emerged as a critical issue in both human and animal health sectors in recent years. With 23,000 deaths in the U.S. each year attributed to infections that are antibiotic resistant, and increasing interest from consumers, food companies and restaurants in the use…

PEDV... Have you Forgotten? PEDV: Hysteria is Gone, but the Disease Isn't
It seems so long ago. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) had just been diagnosed in the U.S. Rumors circulating that it hit a farm not far from yours. What could be done to stop it? Was it as bad as everyone was saying? The PEDV storm came and went. The virus is not gone, but…

SwineTime Podcast by Pipestone: ASF and Transboundary Work with Dr. Scott Dee
Pipestone Veterinary Services is pleased to present “Swine Time” the podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. Podcast #2, continues with the subject of African Swine Fever and the transboundary work needing to be done with Dr. Scott Dee. Don’t miss future SwineTime podcasts The SwineTime podcast is a…

Episode 1: SwineTime Podcast by Pipestone: African Swine Fever
Pipestone Veterinary Services is pleased to present “Swine Time” the podcast created for the pork industry and individual pork producers around the country. Our first podcast, deals with the subject of African Swine Fever and what it means to the industry as a whole and more importantly the individual producer with Dr. Gordon Spronk. Don’t…

Effective Execution Drives Feed Efficiency
There are three drivers influencing cost of production today; facilities, weaned pigs and feed, with feed cost accounting for over 50% of the total cost of production. Thus, producers should be focused on either reducing feed cost or improving whole herd feed efficiency. Feed efficiency is typically measured by feed consumed per unit of gain…

A Team of Experts at Your Sow Farm
“An advantage of the Pipestone Management is that everyone — veterinarians, production staff, the research team, maintenance team, transportation team — all work for the same company,” said Dr. Barry Kerkaert, Vice President of Pipestone Management. “As a result, we have more internal accountability and the experts in each of these service groups are focused…

Dr. Dee's Research Provides Undisputable Evidence for Responsible Use of Antibiotics
On December 6, 2018, the first large-scale scientifically validated trial to better understand the importance of responsible antibiotic use in clinically sick pigs was published in PLOS ONE, the Public Library of Science. This journal is #1-2 in the world as it pertains to publication of medical science. The trial sought to compare pigs raised…

MEASURE. MONITOR. MOVE: Three simple steps to pork production records
MEASURE. MONITOR. MOVE. Three simple steps to pork production records. Well, maybe not always simple, but certainly valuable. The 2018 USDA census puts the U.S. at 75 million pigs. Pork production is a competitive business. Long gone are the days of measuring success by the balance of the farm account at the end of the…
Foreign Animal Disease: Preparing for the worst
Everyone who works with pigs is likely aware of the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) across Europe and Asia. This seemly unstoppable sweeping of disease is a concern for swine farmers worldwide. Even with a vast ocean separating North America, it only takes one failure in biosecurity for ASF to reach our soil. The…
For the Love of Science.... and a Delicious Burger!
Fact: Using antibiotics responsibly is an important part of the welfare of our animals, food safety, and sustainability. Science is an amazing tool that helps us to understand how AND WHY things work throughout the universe. Science uses standardized methodologies, a strict level of testing, and enforces repeatability. But science can be a difficult topic…
When Swine Isn’t Fine: 3 Steps for Pork Producers to Reduce Foreign Animal Disease Risks
As the world swine population continues to grow both domestically and internationally, it can open doors to producers and veterinarians to visit production locations away from home. In some cases, this may involve going to a location which is known to have diseases that are not present in the United States. Knowing this, it is…
Building Foundation for Future Generations
Staying focused on their strengths, but being willing to change has been the foundation of the growth and evolution of the Dumoulin family’s farm for more than six decades. Bill and Pat Dumoulin began farming together in 1954 near Hampshire, Illinois, about 60 miles west of downtown Chicago. Pat currently farms with two sons Mike…
African Swine Fever in China: What is the Role of Feed Ingredients in Viral Movement?
Scott Dee DVM MS PhD Dipl;ACVM, Director, Pipestone Applied Research On Friday August 3, the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) reported that African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) had been identified in a northeast Chinese pig herd. This is the initial report of this disease in the country of China, although it had been reported in…
49 Days of Transparency
It takes a village to raise a family, well it also takes a village to showcase our passion. We had a great crew of Pipestone staff and volunteers at county and State fairs sharing their passion in 2018! This year it was 49 days of transparency, where Pipestone pigs and people met visitors at the…
4 Key Factors to Ask About Pig Sourcing
Weaned pig sourcing has the potential to affect the profitability of an enterprise greatly. Here are 4 things to keep in mind when considering your pig source. #1 Health When evaluating a “one time” purchase of weaned pigs you will want to know the current health status of the sow farm and weaned pigs. However,…
New Program Takes Proactive Approach to Boosting Health and Bottom Line
A new program from Pipestone Veterinary Services is focused on improving animal health and farm profitability through a proactive and planned approach. The Pig Vet program was launched in January 2018 and includes scheduled visits from a Pipestone veterinarian to a producer’s operation each year with the number of visits dependent of each producer’s unique…
PRRS Control for Your Market Hogs
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), much to producers’ and veterinarians’ dismay, can have a devastating impact on pigs of all ages. In general, the introduction of a new strain of PRRS at any stage of pig production has the potential to cause severe damage. Not only can PRRS be devastating by itself, but it…
PRRS Control for Your Market Hogs
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), much to producers’ and veterinarians’ dismay, can have a devastating impact on pigs of all ages. In general, the introduction of a new strain of PRRS at any stage of pig production has the potential to cause severe damage. Not only can PRRS be devastating by itself, but it…
It's the Relationship with Pipestone that Keeps Vroman's Growing for Generations to Come
For more than thirty years, Dean Vroman has been raising crops, pigs and cattle in Minnesota. While equipment and facilities have been important, his most valuable investment has most likely been the relationships he’s built with farmers and industry professionals that have allowed his farming operation to grow and provide an opportunity for the next…
New Disinfectant Product Shows Promise
Cleaning and disinfecting transport trailers, farrowing stalls, and pens in nursery and wean-to-finish barns has been proven critical to keeping animals healthy and preventing the spread of viruses. A new product is showing promise, while also proving safer for the people, pigs, and environment. Ag Forte Pro is a unique product that is a combination…
Meet Our New Swine Veterinarians
As Pipestone Veterinary Services continues to grow and improve we are finding the need for additional veterinary support. We would like to introduce our newest veterinarians to the team and more specifically, one locally in your area. Dr. Brent Pepin is from central Minnesota and a 2014 graduate of Iowa State Veterinary School, where he…
Heat Stress is a Big Deal
Between death loss and production impact, the estimates have the yearly cost to the U.S. swine industry to be around $300 million so far this year. Don’t ignore heat stress. While you can’t control the weather, you can control your facilities. Pigs don’t sweat, so they cannot naturally take advantage of evaporative cooling. They rely…
Insect Pest Management Considerations
By: Dr. Wesley Lyons Summertime should mean school’s out, summer vacations, celebrating our nation’s independence, warmer temperatures, and happy pigs. Unfortunately, with the warm weather, we also see an increase in insect pests within our barns. Depending on the region and barn ventilation setup, insect types can vary, but the common culprits are house flies,…
Veterinary Community Focuses on Antibiotics
By: Dr. Carissa Odland In March, I made a trip to San Diego for the American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual meeting. This meeting was attended by 1200 leaders in the swine industry to talk about our passion – taking care of pigs. One of the main topics that were discussed was antibiotics. Several of…
Dan Hanson Recognized with David Neuberger II Core Values Award
Dan Hanson, research manager for Pipestone Applied Research, was recently recognized for his work ethic, leadership and commitment to animal care in his more than 11 years at Pipestone with the David Neuberger II Core Values Award. The award was presented to Hanson at an employee meeting in May. The Pipestone Management David Neuberger II…
Six Keys to Promoting Nursery Pig Health
Focusing on these animal welfare basics is critical to getting newly weaned piglets off to a strong start Weaning and the transition to the early nursery stage are the most challenging times for piglets. Minimizing stress during those first few weeks away from mom will improve a piglet’s odds of staying healthy. A good environment…
Don't Ignore Ileitis Control
Pig farmers agree: Losing a market hog hurts. There are not many topics over which all pig farmers in the U.S. would agree, but two things over which they would agree are first, that no one likes dead pigs; and second, the worst type of dead pig is a market-sized pig. Death loss in market…
Using Data to Drive Decisions
As popular headlines focus on the potential link between antibiotic resistance and usage of antibiotics in food animal production, it is more critical than ever for swine veterinarians and producers to work together to use antibiotics in the most effective and judicious ways possible. The use of antibiotic sensitivity information has become an increasingly valuable…
AASV Recognizes 2018 Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year
News Release from AASV March 5, 2018 — The American Association of Swine Veterinarian’s Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award was presented to Dr. Adam Schelkopf during the 49th Annual Meeting of the AASV in San Diego, CA. It is given annually to an AASV member five or less years post graduation who has…
Data Driven Decisions
“Without data, you are just another person with an opinion” -Edwards Deming I think in numbers, as most people in the sciences do. As such, I believe very strongly in the value of data to make decisions. Being able to base business decisions off solid numbers gives confidence to the decision-maker that they are making…
Tracking Antimicrobial Resistance: Down on the Farm
In the summer of 2016, Pipestone set forth the challenge to be global leaders in antimicrobial stewardship. As swine veterinarians, we feel a responsibility to lead the industry with science-driven decisions on how to manage the use of antimicrobials, track resistance, and make proactive changes to practices if increased resistance was shown. With that in…
Helping Farmers Today Create the Farms of Tomorrow
Providing independent producers the opportunity to compete in a fast-changing swine industry has been the driving force behind the Pipestone Management for more than 25 years. Technologies, genetics and management practices in pork production may have evolved quickly over nearly three decades, but independent producers who are shareholders in the Pipestone Management have been able…
PART: Gathering Research and Broadening the Conversation
The development of bacteria resistant to antibiotics is a critical issue for human health, with 23,000 people dying each year from an AMR (antimicrobial resistance) infection. A new program developed by Pipestone is focused gathering critical data about antibiotic resistance and responsible antibiotic use, as well as engaging pig producers, regulators and opinion leaders and…
Strep Control
Streptococcus suis (commonly known as strep) is a very common bacterial agent present in all pigs. S. suis gets into the pigs’ bloodstream and then affects pigs throughout their entire body. Classic clinical signs of S. suis include fever, meningitis (walking without coordination and paddling while lying on its side), swollen joints, pneumonia/coughing, and sudden…
Investment in Prevention Medicine Pays Off for Pigs and Producers
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure …” The same advice that Benjamin Franklin gave to city leaders in Philadelphia about preventing fires in 1735 can be applied to raising livestock today. Keeping animals healthy and preventing diseases benefits the animal’s well being, boosts performance and ultimately protects the producer’s bottom line.…
Pipestone Applied Research: 2017 Year in Review
By: Dr. Scott Dee Happy New Year! In 2011, I joined the Pipestone team on a new journey: to lead their newly formed research division. Pipestone Applied Research (PAR) focuses on providing production-driven research results for our Pipestone shareholders, research sponsors, and our swine vet team to make data-driven decisions and ultimately improve health and…
Veterinary Feed Directives (VFD's) Update
By: Dr. Joseph Yaros Over the past few years, there has been an increasing amount of talk about the judicious use of antibiotics in livestock. The growing trend of antibiotic resistance in human infections has created pressure on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review antibiotic usages in livestock. In response to this…
Give a Helping Ham campaign donates over 82,000 pounds of PORK!
During the holidays we look forward to connecting with family and friends and enjoying a delicious meal with the prized ham featured in the center of the table. However, many individuals in our communities are food insecure, and without organizations like Feeding America, would have limited to no protein to serve their families. …
Celebrate the Holiday Season with an Open House!
Celebrate the holiday season with an Open House! During the holiday season, it’s nice to open your home to share what you have been blessed with. But planning a holiday get-together and put stress levels through the roof. Here’s your easy plan to guarantee a great night with friends and family. Below is a guide…
My “Pioneer Woman” Experience
I recently had the opportunity to host a group of food bloggers at a farm that I am the veterinarian for in South Dakota. Prior to this event, I didn’t have a good understanding of what food blogging entailed aside from a couple quick visits to The Pioneer Woman’s blog! But let me tell you……
Seeing Pipestone Core Values in Action in Africa
Two Pipestone employees had the opportunity to see firsthand the impact that even a small contribution can make to children and families in the developing world. Dr. Jay Bobb, veterinarian, and Jenna Hauglid, Pipestone Grow Finish, Nutrition Account Manager, traveled to Ethiopia in October 2017 to tour schools and other programs that benefited from a…
Heat Stress Alleviation in Lactating Sows by Cooling Pad Technology
Heat stress has negative effects on sow production and reproduction performance. Heat stress has multiple impacts on animal metabolism and physiology. These include: increased body core temperature, homeorhetic adaptations that increase blood flow to the skin to dissipate radiant heat, increased respiration rates to remove the excess heat, and reduced feed intake as a strategy…
The Value of Maximizing Lactation Length
Pipestone has continued to study the effects of lactation length and have completed two large scale trials through our research facilities. The first trial was designed to understand lactation lengths impact on sow weight and growing pig performance. We looked at five treatment groups from 21 days to 30 days wean age in 2-day increments.The…
The Truth of the Matter
Recent stories in some well-read media publications make it very difficult for consumers to weed out the difference between the truth about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) versus assumptions. Media suggests that the livestock industry is not properly managing the antibiotic issue. Assumptions like this have led to action, such as the recent San Francisco law requiring…
PRRS Vaccination: Protect for your pigs and the neighborhood
All across the Midwest, we are starting to experience the changing of the seasons. Weather is changing, kids are heading back to school, and combines are being prepared for the impending harvest. For many swine producers, unfortunately, it is also a time of year which conjures up thoughts of PRRS virus. Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive…
Air filtration for swine herds: A historical perspective
Written by Kevin Schulz Kevin Schultz is a Senior Content Specialist with National Hog Farmer magazine Dr. Scott Dee of Pipestone Veterinary Services shares what we’ve learned about air filtration over the years and how it’s making a difference in the industry. PRRS has been a game changer in the swine industry, and filtration of hog barns…
Step by Step Approach to Raising Pigs
Starting as a teenager, Ryan Weinkauf has taken a step by step approach to raising pigs and building his farming operation. Ryan grew up as the third generation on his family’s farm just outside of Pipestone, Minnesota. “Dad started raising pigs in the 1970s and 1980s in an old barn, then modernized the barn and…
Significant Changes Underway in the Pork Industry
By: Brian Stevens, President of Big Stone Marketing Here it is the middle of August and we have some pretty significant changes underway in the Pork Industry and I thought I should talk about it in this month’s newsletter. The topic is the additional packing capacity our industry is adding. We have two remodeled pork…
Why Sequence?
You have the diagnostics in hand. The results tie your stomach in knots, the sample is PRRS virus PCR positive. If you are lucky, you have not experienced this before but if you are like the other 99% of the people in the swine industry, you have had this feeling. But what now? Do you…
Fly Control
Some of the most common pests within a hog operation include your common house fly and fruit fly. These pests are not only a risk for transferring diseases but are also a nuisance to the animals and people that work or reside in these barns. Once these pests are established within your operation it can…
Genetic Improvements Drive Success
When I was first being introduced to the swine industry six years ago, I barely scratched the surface on seeing how fast-paced the industry drove its own improvement. Growing up on a purebred beef cattle farm, the idea of upgrading production practices was pretty foreign aside from some attempts at lower-stress handling facilities. Our idea…
Preventing and Managing Heat Stress
Have you ever unloaded a group of pigs that are heat stressed following transportation? How do you manage transportation during months of high heat and humidity to prevent or minimize heat stress and transport losses? Here are a few tips to help your pigs weather summer heat and humidity. It all comes down to managing…
Antibiotic Resistance Myth Busters
Often we are so overwhelmed with information being shared – through main stream news, social media, and conversations with friends or co-workers. It can be challenging to decipher what is true versus a myth. As a veterinarian and mother of two young children, I recognize the importance of getting the facts about the food we…
Check out our new Swine Shirts!
Check out our NEW Swine Shirts! “STOP Swine-ing and Get to Work” and “Get Piggy with it“
Are you prepared for the Food Safety Modernization Act?
Food Safety Modernization Act: Highlights for pig producers and feed manufacturers It may only be June but many feed mills are currently gearing up for the September 18th deadline to be compliant with the newly installed Food Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA. This new federal regulation was actually put into law in January of 2011 but…
Meet the Sturtevants
Generations of the Sturtevant family have raised crops and livestock on the same land in northwestern Illinois since the 1850s. While the size and scope of the farm that Mark Sturtevant owns and operates with his father, brother and cousins, has changed over the years, their focus on continuous improvement, animal health and productivity has…
2017 Dave Neuberger II Core Values Award Winner
On May 23rd, 2017 all farm employees met for the semiannual meeting for the afternoon at four different locations to cover: production highlights, gilt productivity and animal welfare and biosecurity review. One of the highlights of the meeting Pipestone Management presents one individual with the Dave Neuberger II Award. This award is presented annually in…
Welcome, Dr. Monte Fuhrman!
We are proud to welcome Dr. Monte Fuhrman to the Pipestone Veterinary Services team! Dr. Fuhrman is a native of Warner, SD and graduate of South Dakota State University and Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, he has spent his career providing swine veterinary service and consultation across the mid-west, including South…
Pipestone Welcomes Bethany Clinic to the Team
Pipestone Veterinary Services is excited to announce the addition of Bethany Swine Health Services. The acquisition made in April of 2017 will bring Pipestone Veterinary Services to five clinic locations with 34 veterinarians on staff. Pipestone’s veterinarian Dr. Adam Schelkopf’s family has successfully operated the Bethany Animal Hospital for more than 40 years. Dr.’s Mike…
Producer Preparations for an FDA audit at your farm
The FDA inspector will likely tell you the specific VFD that they randomly selected which prompted a visit to your farm – be prepared with details on that VFD / group of pigs such as: How long did you medicate the pigs? Does this match up with the duration listed by your veterinarian on the…
Get to Know your Neighbors with a Spring BBQ
By: Sylvia Wolters After winter, we’re all itching to get outdoors, so why not get to know your neighbors with a spring BBQ! We’ve made a party for 10 or 100 easy. There are two key things that will make your event a success! Plan your work … work your plan. When plan A fails,…